Burnout/not excusable language

David Ilvedson, RPT ilvey@jps.net
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 19:34:09 -0800

"It starts with and S and ends with a T.
It comes out of you and comes out of me.
I know what your thinking and its not like that.
Lets be scientific and call it SCAT."

(From a field trip)

David I.

-----Original Message-----
From: RptBob1@AOL.COM <RptBob1@AOL.COM>
To: pianotech@ptg.org <pianotech@ptg.org>
Date: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: Burnout/not excusable language

In a message dated 12/5/2000 10:01:59 PM Mid-Atlantic Standard Time,
istuner@islandia.is writes:

> give her a little break.
> Not all nations of the world are aware of American sensitivity towards
> politically incorrect usage of the word "excrement"
> We donīt use the word the same way you do, OK?
> Just tell people politely in the future.
> Once, while with a boys' choir in Florida, a parakeet that I was holding,
> in effect, did so, have a bowel movement on top of my hand, or so I
> believed.
> "Did he shit on me?", I said in utmost innocence.
> Everybody was shocked and they told me I should say "poop" or "crap",
> (which I think is ******* stupid.) <g>
> You should have seen the fa(e)ces on the people when another Icelandic boy
> on the same trip said " Whatīs this shit?" when he got his food!
> Actually, a customer wouldnīt be offended if I said "shit" in the home.


There is no way to determine this writer (Maria) is from another land.
are a lot of Maria's in our country.  Even if what you imply is true, it is
still no excuse for her -or you as you so often annoyingly do- to use
profanity on this list.  This is not a cultural thing- it is a lack of
cultural thing.  And if she is just now for the first time being made aware
of it (which I seriously doubt), then I have made a real contribution to
improving something badly in need of improving.
To let this pass without comment is called enabling.  I am not an enabler of
incorrect or boorish behavior.
You will note several  affirmations to this  have already been forwarded to
this list.
Incidentally, I note people contributing to this list from all over the
world, but cannot recall their using inappropriate language as you seem to
feel is  "quite commonly (used) here as slang" (referring to Iceland).
Perhaps that says more about Iceland than you really wanted us to know.

Bob Bergantino, RPT
Willoughby Hills, Ohio

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