Burnout/not excusable language

Tue, 5 Dec 2000 22:14:34 EST

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In a message dated 12/5/2000 10:01:59 PM Mid-Atlantic Standard Time,=20
istuner@islandia.is writes:

> give her a little break.
> Not all nations of the world are aware of American sensitivity towards=20
> politically incorrect usage of the word "excrement"
> We don=B4t use the word the same way you do, OK?
> Just tell people politely in the future.
> Once, while with a boys' choir in Florida, a parakeet that I was holding,=20
> in effect, did so, have a bowel movement on top of my hand, or so I=20
> believed.
> "Did he shit on me?", I said in utmost innocence.
> Everybody was shocked and they told me I should say "poop" or "crap",=20
> (which I think is ******* stupid.) <g>
> You should have seen the fa(e)ces on the people when another Icelandic boy=
> on the same trip said " What=B4s this shit?" when he got his food!
> Actually, a customer wouldn=B4t be offended if I said "shit" in the home.=20=


There is no way to determine this writer (Maria) is from another land.  Ther=
are a lot of Maria's in our country.  Even if what you imply is true, it is=20
still no excuse for her -or you as you so often annoyingly do- to use=20
profanity on this list.  This is not a cultural thing- it is a lack of=20
cultural thing.  And if she is just now for the first time being made aware=20
of it (which I seriously doubt), then I have made a real contribution to=20
improving something badly in need of improving.
To let this pass without comment is called enabling.  I am not an enabler of=
incorrect or boorish behavior.=20
You will note several  affirmations to this  have already been forwarded to=20
this list.
Incidentally, I note people contributing to this list from all over the=20
world, but cannot recall their using inappropriate language as you seem to=20
feel is  "quite commonly (used) here as slang" (referring to Iceland).  =20
Perhaps that says more about Iceland than you really wanted us to know.

Bob Bergantino, RPT
Willoughby Hills, Ohio=20

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