Burnout "Work"

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner@hotmail.com
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 03:13:46

Try the book "Work" by Studs Terkel.  It gives wonderful insight into the 
working lives of many different people. There are only two people in the 
whole book who report that they actually like their jobs, a waitress and a 

Lucky me, I've been both!

>These are just a few of the reasons why I feel that we work in one of the
>most wonderful professions in the world.  BTW, I also have been told that
>among the various professions, only ministers have a longer actuarial life
>expectancy than piano tuners.  We're only number 2 among all of the other
>professions.  Another great bonus!
>Ray T. Bentley, RPT
>Alton, IL

Diane Hofstetter
245-M Mount Hermon Rd.
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph  831-438-6222
fax 831-430-9741

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