loose hammer heads

Roger Jolly baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 20:41:57 -0600

Hi Clyde,
          Place action in the cradle upside down, and one drip per
hammer will do the trick. Do all 88. If you use only about 1/4 filled
bottle you can control the CA from running all over the place.
Regards Roger

Clyde Hollinger wrote:
> Friends,
> Today I tuned a school piano, a Yamaha studio model P22, or whatever
> model they called it when it was new back in 1971.  It has many loose
> hammer heads.  How would you recommend I reglue these?
> In pianos where there are just one or two loose, I generally just work
> it off and reglue.  Is there danger in breaking the butt or flange by
> doing this?  I think I've heard of turning the action upside down and
> using the water-thin CA on the loose ones.  I've never done that.
> Advice?
> Regards, Clyde

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