
Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 23:14:26 +0000


well, give her a little break.
Not all nations of the world are aware of American sensitivity towards 
politically incorrect usage of the word "excrement"

We don´t use the word the same way you do, OK?
Just tell people politely in the future.

Once, while with a boys' choir in Florida, a parakeet that I was holding, 
in effect, did so, have a bowel movement on top of my hand, or so I believed.
"Did he shit on me?", I said in utmost innocence.

Everybody was shocked and they told me I should say "poop" or "crap", 
(which I think is ******* stupid.) <g>

You should have seen the fa(e)ces on the people when another Icelandic boy 
on the same trip said " What´s this shit?" when he got his food!

Actually, a customer wouldn´t be offended if I said "shit" in the home.  We 
use it quite commonly here, as slang.  Hey, even my mother and father use 
it on occasion, and it´s REALLY not a big deal.  We don´t make a big deal 
out of using four letter words from other languages, it´s much more serious 
using genuine words from OUR language.  And I understand, that´s where 
you´re coming from.

In Finnish there is a word, used for (using political correctness) a 
certain part of the female reproductive system, and is quite obscene, but 
is also used commonly as a "cuss word", even by old women, or so my Finnish 
friend told me.

So, Bob, you´re a man of the world... try to visualize cultural differences.

Best regards, and yours truly,

Kristinn Leifsson,
Reykjavík, Iceland

P.S. Long live Nordic cooperation!

At 17:02 5.12.2000 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/5/2000 7:08:21 PM Mid-Atlantic Standard Time,
>maria.arnelof@spray.se writes:
>>about this workmanship other than just sitting
>>down and doing the job while thinking of how much one will get in the end
>>and if its over soon :P.....until the next shitty little piano at the next
>>stop with that old lady that you start to think bad things about :) The
>>"general" tuning of a piano is rather monotoenous in itself to make it even
>>worse, right?!
>>Wow, this was kind or a repetition for just agreeing on what you just
>>wrote. Oh, well...there you have it....I agree...only, to do jobs for free
>>is perhaps going abit too far with me as you sugested ;) But, hey...Im only
>>speaking for myself here, perhaps
>Is it really necessary for you to add the street phrase for excrement to this
>list.  It's so very unprofessional and not worthy of this list.  I am truly
>offended by this street talk.
>Try something more in tune with professional attitude- would you talk like
>this in a customer's home?  If so, you're truly in the wrong business.
>Bob Bergantino, RPT
>Willoughby Hills, Ohio

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