Is this a physical impossibility?

Richard Brekne
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 18:02:41 +0100

Roger Jolly wrote:

> No one has been banging down the door to have their piano tuned in HT.
> We are thinking of keeping a studio piano in the store tuned in a HT
> just for a curiousity, and to further judge reactions.
> Maybe I'm the only one who caught the dreaded HT flu virus. <G>
> Roger

Me thinks not... I certainly have caught it.. but I am certain of one thing...
pianist dont really know what to do with this new "sound" toy.  Left to themselves
many seem to dink around for a while, then just leave it. We have a few exceptions
here in Bergen.. but most of the other students and teachers are too busy to start
really checking out the possibilities.. or previous significance... so they need
somebody like me to try and whip up their enthusiasm.

Like Ed Foote, and Bill Bremmer.... you simply got to put this on your agenda if
you want it to go anywhere for you.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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