Jolly HT

Ron Koval
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 16:50:00

Roger wrote

       No Cigar.  Most heard the difference, but picked the HT as
sounding better in tune. Well untill a piece was played in F#. Then WOW.
No one has been banging down the door to have their piano tuned in HT.

Congrats, Roger! It's always kindof fun when you get a chance to be the one 
to stir the pot a little!

I would bet that no one has been banging down the door to have their piano 
tuned in ET, either.  Most people want their piano tuned so "it sounds nice" 

People ARE discovering that there are different ways to tune, to get to 

I think Ed Foote is right when he says that the introduction and improvement 
to the tuning machines/software has given us the chance to reintroduce 
alternate temperaments to pianists.

Next time, or in the shop, use a temperament with less contrast (search 
under graphman in the archives, I posted a bunch with offsets) to tune a 
piano that has tone color, without the trainwrecks in B or F# that you found 
with the Vallotti-Young. (or just dilute the V-Y to about 40%)

I feel that using temperaments with less contrast than the 'old' ones will 
provide more approachable tunings to today's ears.

Or, try an equal beating temperament, which has contrast, but combines an 
equal beating component between intervals in a triad, to smooth out the 
rough keys.

This should be close to what Bill Bremmer used in Chicago last year.  Set up 
your tuning first to slightly favor double octaves (even triple in the high 

Equal beating Victorian
offsets from ET

C 2.7
C# -1.3
D 1.8
D#  1.8
E  -.2
F  1.7
F# -1.5
G  3.8
G# 0
A  0
A# .6
B  -1.4


Oh, for those of you using computers, and printing bills, what do you put on 
the back?  There's a lot of empty space back there for educational stuff!  
I'm not sure a lot of people read it, but some people have commented, so I 
know it's getting read!

On to the holiday schedule!

Ron Koval
(still graphman)


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