HOLD OFF(should be FAQ)

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 06:06:04 -0600

> Greetings,
>    I believe what brought this post was the abundance of non-piano topics
and > one line chit-chat letters between a few posters being sent to the
> list, diluting is utility to the other members and clogging everyones
> with stuff of very limited interest.
>     I have often proposed that list members attempt to write something
> technically interesting on each post,  so here's mine: A shot of teflon
> spray(dry) inside the tuning tips seems to make everything go smoother for
> several tunings.
> Regards,
> Ed Foote

I totally agree with Ed, but oops I am one of the guilty ones. I love to
post one liner replies and receive them if they are only half as good as "is
his Bach worse than his bite".  As far as non technical posts like political
commentarys perhaps they should be limited  to the candidate or those in
office who have pianos and have then serviced regularly.   But so what if a
few members take a few liberties? If it gets too much, write them, not the
    So.....I just can't pass up commenting on
the latest "ruling" from Fla.  The Judge said, in effect, "You can't examine
machine rejected ballots unless you can prove they will be in your favor by
some other means than examining them."  Where the heck did this "opinion"
come from, an alligator oracle?

For technical interest, if I can just understand what "a shot of teflon
inside the tuning tips"  means---the tips of your hammer?
And post a technical question, what is the difference between teflon and
silicone wet or dry ?

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