Sufficent light/was: The needed quiet

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 21:59:26 -0600

>A number of Christmas seasons ago I was tuning a Baldwin R in the sanctuary 
>of a large church, helping get ready for their big annual Christmas 
>production.  I no sooner got started when the properties crew arrived with 
>their skill saw and started construction of the various backdrops.  So I 
>turned the machine to "high, installed stronger earplugs and tuned between 
>cuts.  It took a LONG time, the day wore on (and so did I) and the light 
>wore out.  About 4:30 someone came in from outside, saw me trying to tune 
>the piano and asked in a concerned voice; "Do you need more light?"

Diane, you've got it. Just like Temperature being real, when humidity isn't
- light is real, where noise doesn't matter. I was dutifully tuning away in
a blindingly lit sanctuary this morning, and doing just fine until the
custodian wheeled in the running vacuum. 

What's the term for cross wired senses, where people taste sound and smell

Ron N

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