
Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 19:03:46 -0600


    But haven't you learned yet that anything S. does is the best possible 
way to
do it? Why do you think they stayed with Teflon so long? :-)


P.S. I really do like the grands though, once I spend a day or two "adjusting"
them. Thankfully, I don't have to deal with the 1098's!

>In my
>opinion, the more that manufacturers move towards synthetic moving parts for
>piano actions in the future, the better.  Steinway would do well to take this
>hint from its business partner, Kawai who manufactures its Boston pianos.
>I'd like to see replacement parts made for rebuilding older Steinways, both
>grand and vertical made from ABS plastic.
>Bill Bremmer RPT
>Madison, Wisconsin

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