Sufficent light/was: The needed quiet

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 07:46:13 -0600

>What do you do -- depend on the customer for illumination or do you 
>carry your own?

I carry a little Maglite. My biggest problem with customers and light is
the direction of the light source, at least with verticals. Too much from
the wrong direction is worse than not enough. They want to turn on a lamp
sitting on a table next to the piano, or a ceiling light on the other side
of the room divider the piano backs against, or open the curtains on my far
right. That just puts the light in my eyes and throws what I'm trying to
see into comparatively deeper shadow, and it can be a real battle to
explain that to them. They are, after all, only trying to help.  Then
there's tuning in the cheerfully, benevolently, and relentlessly supplied
direct sun from that drape-less south window.

Ron N

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