Sufficent light/was: The needed quiet

J Patrick Draine
Mon, 4 Dec 2000 07:59:03 -0500

>   Almost everyone asks if I have enough light and
>  > if I'd like a Coke or glass of water.

And there is almost never enough light, is there!? Fortunately they 
often (but not always) drag a floor lamp in, and it's possible to see 
what one is doing. A long time ago a Boston chapter member marketed a 
product to technicians called, I think, Sunn Lamps (or something 
similar), which was a halogen lamp with a padded clamp, appropriate 
swivels (and optional base), and carrying bag. He didn't sell very 
many, though.

What do you do -- depend on the customer for illumination or do you 
carry your own?


PS Thanks to the X-Files & Jim Harvey for introducing me to the mini Maglite.

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