What do you want in a vertical piano?

Christopher Witmer cdwitmer@spamcop.net
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 14:50:02 +0900

A belated thanks and apologies to Aurelien Barrau, Tony Caught, Delwin
Fandrich, Clyde Hollinger, Brian Lawson, Ron Nossaman and others who
graciously replied to me both on-list and off-list concerning my
questions. I had intended to reply to you all earlier but I strained my
lower back and it hurts to sit long enough to compose a reply. On top of
that several work items have piled up due to my reduced abilities. I'm
steadily recovering and all I need is a little rest to allow the muscles
to get back to normal. I hope to be able to give a proper follow-up in
the next day or two.


Chris Witmer

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