Rottweiler in Piano
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 21:06:53 -0600

>...Some fella called my business line today and
>indicated in an alarmed tone that his rottweiler dog was stuck inside his
>piano...Terry Farrell

>...there's a CD of some clowns
>who have done guest appearances on the Howard Stern show, making
>random phone calls with tales of woe, one of them being this
>Rottweiler story...

This was explained in a post Sat, 23 Sep 1995 by Scott Hunter from Houston,
Texas.  Here is part of that post from the archives:
These calls are an imitation of "The Jerky Boys."  "The Jerky Boys" are a
couple of guys from New York that do prank calls and release them on CD.
They have two albums and even did a movie earlier this year.  On their first
CD they called a piano tuner and wanted him to come out to get the caller's
rottweiler out of his piano...

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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