
Robert Moffatt moffattr@cadvision.com
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 12:20:29 -0700

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A little late in replying. Bill was over for dinner last night and we =
discussing the Pleyel Duo Clave. Yes it was the one you saw in Steinway.
It certainly looks different now. It will be ready for stringing as soon =
the new wrest planks are installed. Both actions have been restored, as =
as the case, lyres, soundboard, etc. As promised, I will post pictures =
of the
process..beginning to end, when all is done. Bill says he remembers you.


Bob Moffatt
Calgary, Alberta

> Is this the piano Bill had stored at Steinway, lo these many years ago =
when he
> worked there? If it is, I saw it on it's side, partially uncovered for =
a quick
> glimpse. We didn't get to swarm all over it and look it over like we =
all wanted
> to, but it looked to me like a wonderful contraption - long as I =
didn't have to
> move it.
> Ron N

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