installing my 1st dampp chaser

Sun, 3 Dec 2000 11:15:00 EST

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In a message dated 12/3/2000 4:19:27 AM Mid-Atlantic Standard Time, writes:

> Any advice on installing my first Dampp chaser system in a K&C Console? 
> It'll be the complete system. How much time, on average, should it take? 
> Also, I quoted about $250-275 to the customer, and he agreed. That would be 
> roughly $100 for that in the ballpark of what other techs charge?  
> Thanks!
> Hi Terry:
> An installation in an upright/vertical takes me roughly one hour.  I am 
> careful that it is a very neat job with no wires hanging haphazardly inside 
> the piano and that everything is carefully explained to the customer 
> including showing them how to fill the humidifier and add bacteriostat.  
> Add the cost of the product and what your own markup is, and you are close 
> to my figure.  If you want more specifics, email me privately.  My cost for 
> a Grand application is higher since it takes me about two hours for that 
> installation.  

Bob Bergantino, RPT
Willoughby Hills, Ohio


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