Busy in Nov/Dec!

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Sun, 03 Dec 2000 03:23:19 +0000


you know, I wanted to bring that up but I didnīt dare to!  So, is that a 
common thing out there?
I keep thinking thereīs something wrong with me, cause Iīm still waiting... <g>


P.S. Did you still get paid? :-)

>Never ever did get tipped... but I did get seduced once. Couldnt believe 
>it was happening
>either. I thought that was just one of those things that happen in those 
>salemans novels...
>but noooooope.. Quite an experience. Once was enough tho... grin.
>Richard Brekne
>RPT, N.P.T.F.
>Bergen, Norway

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