Political Soapbox v. Piano Technology/ Here! Here!

John M. Formsma jformsma@dixie-net.com
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 15:20:00 -0600

RptBob1@AOL.COM wrote:

<<I think one might add that there is so much dribble chitchat concerning so
many non-piano items.   It saturates this list at times and I, for one, am
really getting tired of it all.>>

Me too. I recently gotten married (Nov 18), honeymooned, and returned on Nov
26, only to find approx 650 messages. I could only skim a few at a time
after that, so by the time I have gotten to read all of them, there have
been well over 800 messages. And many of them were useless as far as
technical things go. I enjoy good banter like everyone else, but it is
getting to the place that pablum has overtaken the list. If the shoe fits,
wear it. No offense intended.

<<Those of you misusing this potentially great piano forum should find
other ways to waste your own time and spare us your self centered

I agree, Bob. I also subscribe to the Reed Organ Society list. While there
are probably fewer subscribers, there is no backslapping, joketelling, or
goofiness. That is nice, and a stark contrast to Pianotech.


John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

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