
Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 13:36:29 -0600

>Sorta sad, isn't it, that a climate controlled building can have a humidity
>variance of 47%.  Is it possible that they have the system turned off except
>immediately prior to the audience's arrival?

The problem seems to lie with the nearly universal assumption that climate
control equates solely to temperature control at the thermostat mounting
location. These are the folks I had humidity control discussions with twice
or more a year, at 10 minutes to a half hour each, for the five or six
years previous to their having the new system installed. When all the work
was done and the check had cleared, they started calling me to try to
figure out why the pianos didn't stay in tune any better than they had
before. When I asked them once more what provisions had been made for
humidity control in the new system, they said "humidity control????" At
vast expense, they have replaced an old water circulation system with a new
water circulation system that is functionally indistinguishable from the
old one except it takes more of someone's time and attention to keep it
working at all since it's computerized. All this in total ignorance of the
need for humidity control in spite of the many happy hours I had spent
pinning them, individually and collectively, in various corners and
explaining yet again how humidity changes affect tuning stability. With
each of these unscheduled, unsanctioned, non-accredited educational
sessions, I specifically attempted to impress upon them the need for some
sort of humidity control with the then rumored new "climate control"
system. Guess I should have shouted or made explosion noises at the
critical points in the discourse to better focus their attention. 

Nope, they don't turn it off between times, it's just a system that was
never intended to meet the installation's requirements in the first place.
Such an concept was apparently never even considered, let alone discussed
when it came down to how to spend the money. I don't think they understand
even now, what the problem is. I'll have to remember to ask if they were
given a choice of color for the boiler and chiller.


Ron N

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