pianotech-digest V2000 #1075

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 09:34:53 -0600

>I am a cat lover, my wife, Pat, and I have FIVE.  And you can walk into our
>house any time and never guess we have 5 plus a dog.
>Ken Gerler

Oh now Ken, you know better than that. Anyone walking in would immediately
be greeted by the dog, and at least two of the cats who naturally showed up
to find out who came to see them. The cats would then immediately begin
trying to lure the guest into a chair to provide a lap for them while the
dog is frantically looking for a toy to drag back for show and play.

Free roaming quadrupeds are nearly always obvious. I've met thousands.

Ron N

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