pianotech-digest V2000 #1075

Ken Gerler kenneth.gerler@prodigy.net
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 08:18:39 -0600

Carol, don't forget dog pee, either.  But regards to cats, on two occasions
I was called to service and appraise organs.  It both homes, when you walked
in the front door, you would have sworn you just walked into a public
restroom that didn't have any deodorizer and hadn't been cleaned for months.
I advised both that the instruments were ruined as the uric acid permeating
the air had done its work.

I am a cat lover, my wife, Pat, and I have FIVE.  And you can walk into our
house any time and never guess we have 5 plus a dog.

Ken Gerler

> I don't think it's a good idea to give anyone the picture that cats and
> pianos mix. This is the time of year when many people working in the piano
> business are especially overtired, oversheduled, working their last
> and could care less if they ever saw another piano or customer, so this
> little story, although it seemed hillarious at the time, might not sound
> funny if you are a cat person.
>   I was working for a large piano retailer and business was gangbusters
> during this holiday season.  People of all descriptions were buying
pianos -
> I swear some of them thought they were stereo systems with strings!
> this lady had just taken delivery of a baby grand piano, and the movers
> just left.  Suddenly she hears her cat squalling because its foot is
> in the bass strings!  She calls the customer service department and our
> receptionist just lost it!  She was laughing so hard trying to page a
> technician.  You could hear this cat in the background over the speaker
> phone, and the lady was in such a panic.  The whole service department was
> in stitches while this poor woman was hysterical - and the cat kept
> in the background!  Finally, someone had the presence of mind to tell her
> get a wooden spoon and pry the strings apart to get her cat's foot from
> between the strings.
> I doubt you will get many positive responses from piano technicians about
> pictures of kittys on pianos.  Many  of us have the experience of removing
> cat pee from the knees of our pants due to working on pedal lyres on
> in kitty homes.  And the list goes on....
> Carol Beigel

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