questions for topic

Richard Moody
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 01:45:38 -0600

> "fair, full and accurate count" the current mantra...but is it truthful?
> Throughout Florida there are some 157,000 "uncounted ballots"..why then
> "counting fully fairly and accurately" only three counties (aprox 14,000
> ballots or 9% of the "uncounted" total) constitute a "full fair and
> ballot count?..........

Some counties I am sure he has conceded.
But Wow I didn't know there were that many.  Makes one wonder how in a
presidential election 157,000 votes for president get thrown out by the
machines.    Its becomming an issue of "what is going on in Fla that 150,000
citizens couldn't punch the ballots right."  If this amount of "spoiled"
ballots is close to the national average I won't worry about Fla  anymore.
But this represents 5% of the votes if 3 million were cast. Or one out of 20

>  Don't you find it a little odd that out of all 67 counties where there is
> total count of 157,000 "uncounted ballots" that only in 'his' counties has
> demanded, in court, a recount?
> Oh well back to the pit! :-)
> Jim Bryant (FL)

The Bush lawyers will.      ---ric

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