American vs Florida efficiency

Richard Moody
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 00:38:39 -0600

> <<"Now
> the Governor of Fla. who just happens to be Bush's brother agrees and
> instructed his hand picked secretary of state to hurry up and declare his
> brother the winner.">>
> Ric;
> Y'all needs to get yo facts straight heah...ya heah?? :-)
> Not only is the Sec of States Office a state wide/at large 'elected'
> rather than an "appointed" position, Gov. Jeb Bush actually supported and
> campaigned for Sec Harris's opponent. Hardly makes for "hand picked" does
> Jim Bryant (FL)

Handpicked or not,  ya'll gonna stand thar and tell me there was no
collushen between the republican guvner and his republican secty of state to
throw the election to the guvner's Brother???  "Follow the letter of the
law" ??  Good,  then disqualify 5,000 overseas votes because they were not
postmarked as required by law. But we all know the law abiddin' sect, Gov.
and his Brother won't abide by that because then Gore would win.   ---ric

The only way to tell how good a tuning machine is, is to LISTEN,  ya heah?

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