Busy in Nov/Dec!

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 02:17:56 +0000

Great man,

itīs wonderful to hear of your success.
Things will only get better, not that theyīre bad now for you apparently.
Just wait until your first concert tuning or CD!  Thatīll come soon if you 
keep this attitude.

Anyway, how are you doing on customer relations?
Thatīs probably my specialty!  <G>
I got coffee, yoghurt, marinated herring, bread with honey, German bread, 
half a liter of light ale, chocolate and apple juice at a customerīs 
yesterday!  Oh yeah, AND pancakes!!!
I had to talk to them for an hour before they let me tune for them, at 
which time I couldnīt move, of course.  I found a raisin under one key in 
their grand, Iīm glad they didnīt make me eat that too!
Oh well you know, elderly couple. They just luv' the young'uns!

Luckily, that day, I had the time to spare.

Best regards,


P.S. You, of course, know the "glass of water" trick, donīt you? ;-)

At 17:28 1.12.2000 -0800, you wrote:
>I have been making a living as a tuner/tech since 2/00, and find that 
>things are REALLY picking up lately! I suppose it's the "season" where we 
>are busier than normal, but I LOVE IT! In addition to my duties as floor 
>tuner at a local showroom (4 days per week, 3-4 pianos each day), i am 
>getting plenty of private tunings as a result of #1: business cards, #2: 
>my business & phone number on my car. #3:word of mouth, and #4: home 
>tunings from store now have become "private" tunings. #5: referrals from 
>fellow tech who's TOO busy, so he give's extra customers to me! So I just 
>wanted to say that I LOVE THIS BUSINESS!!!
>Here's a little funny that i heard from a customer today:
>"Opporknockity only TUNES once!" I like that one!
>Terry Peterson
>Associate Member PTG
>Los Angeles, CA
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