Political Soapbox v. Piano Technology

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 18:52:30 -0600

>The subtitle is, "A Comprehensive Treatise on the Theory and Practice of
>Political Machine Construction through Three Centuries; Including
>Sections on the Tuning of Votamatic Player Mechanisms; Butterfly Ballot
>Inspectors Reference; Adjusting Jurist Temperament and Media Pitch;
>Restringing, Needling, and Hammering Your Opponent; Voter Metronome
>Techniques; Regulating and Repairing Mob Harmonics; Effective
>Demonstrations through the Use of Vocal Chords; Continually Revised and
>Updated, and Now with a Special Supplement on Voodoo Prayers for
>Invoking Spontaneous Human Combustion in Rival Practitioners of the Art"

Word is that Bantam has declined to issue the paperback version - the title
won't fit on the cover.

Ron N

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