American vs Canadian efficiency

Richard Brekne
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 18:02:48 +0100

"Kevin E. Ramsey RPT" wrote:

> I think that the main objection to the hand recounts, at least in the minds
> of the Republicans, is the potential for voter fraud. The person they chose
> to be in charge of that effort was Mr. James Daly. He is the son of the
> former Chicago Mayor. I remember charges of massive voter fraud in his
> district in the 1960 election. I think that alone would be enough to scare
> anyone. Perhaps they could have fielded someone else.
>     Another thought. The whole reason they originally went to a machine
> counting method was because it is much more accurate than counting by hand.

Really... enough of all this nonsense... Bush won and Gore lost.. and thats the
size of it. To bad for me and others who wanted Gore to win.... fine for Bush
fans.. end of story.

Gore is embarrasing the US at this point... If there is something wrong with the
election system... you dont wait until after you loose a close one to fix it.

Im outa here...grin
Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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