The Meaning of Key Length

Roger Jolly
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 10:13:15 -0600

Hi Terry,
         Key ratio is not the big difference when measuring capstan to
pin, and then pin to key tip. Approx 2:1
On the smaller piano  the BR pin is moving closer to the fall board, or
the key playing surface. The ratio of where the pianist places their
finger on the key top give the brain a message of how it feels.
Play a Euro console up close to the fall board, the ratio may be 1:2 but
at the key tip 2:1. Play it for your self and you will immediately know.

The longer key will reduce the variance in the ratio along the playing
surface of the key.

Extra leading of the keys with shorter leverage, increases the inertia
to further complicate things.

Now you have some thing to muse over, whilst awaiting the news of who is
president. <G>


> Is this part of the reason? Is there more? Put your thinking caps on and
> explain. Please. Thanks.
> Terry Farrell
> Piano Tuning & Service
> Tampa, Florida

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