questions for topic

Jon Page
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 09:03:32 -0500

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If Gore wants 'every vote to count', then why doesn't he insist that the
absentee ballots be counted in California?

And why are not more Floridians up in arms over being called grossly
incompetent by the 'Gorites' after each of the recount?

And I thought Clinton stooped to new lows,

Jon Page

At 08:28 AM 12/01/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Ric wrote:
><<"With a only 500 vote difference and 10,000 votes (I think this is only two
>counties) unable to be counted by machine what is the big deal about
>counting them by humans?  But if not counted manually it will ever be on the
>minds of millions,">>
>Ric there is mo facts dat y'all ain't dealing wif I knows dey is
>uncomfortable sometime but there they are...........
>"fair, full and accurate count" the current mantra...but is it truthful?
>Throughout Florida there are some 157,000 "uncounted ballots"..why then does
>"counting fully fairly and accurately" only three counties (aprox 14,000
>ballots or 9% of the "uncounted" total) constitute a "full fair and accurate"
>ballot count?..........
>The counties that Gore wants to count/recount are Dade, Broward, Palm Beach.
>In Dade county Gore won 53% of the vote.
>In Broward county Gore won 68% of the vote.
>In Palm Beach county Gore won 63% of the vote.
>Naturally he wants a "full, fair and accurate count" of those counties.
>Some counties where he has 'not' demanded a "full, fair and accurate count"
>in are:
>Duval county where Bush won 58% of the vote.
>Baker county where Bush won 70% of the vote.
>Bay  county where Bush won 67% of the vote.
>Okloosa county where Bush won 88% of the vote.
>(note: Of the 67 counties in FL Bush won 48 Gore won 19.)
>Why hasn't Gore demanded a "full, fair and accurate count" of these counties
>also? Well he has offered such in his PR appearances but not once in a
>courtroom have his attornies demanded such.......curious? just a little?
>  Don't you find it a little odd that out of all 67 counties where there is a
>total count of 157,000 "uncounted ballots" that only in 'his' counties has he
>demanded, in court, a recount? Does 9% of the total "uncounted ballots" truly
>represent a "full, fair and accurate" count"??
>Oh well back to the pit! :-)
>Jim Bryant (FL)

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