Pedal function Was: Re: Pitch at breaking points

Conrad Hoffsommer
Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:22:30 -0500

At 22:52 04/04/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Not only that, but encyclopedias are frequently incorrect.  As an
>example, if you have Encarta 2000, try looking under piano and check out
>what they say the functions of the pedals are on a grand piano.  (Maybe I
>have been wrong all these years about this - NOT)
>John R. Fortiner

I am (un)fortunate not to have that font of (dis)information. Inquiring
minds want to know. Pedal functions sounds like something I should know

Here are some things I've seen reference to:

	Functions for pedals on Pianoforte.

Mechanism for raising dampers
-originally a hand stop
-function of first pedal used by Broadwood
-w/split pedals allowed either half or all to be lifted

Bass Damper  
Raises dampers of overstrung section only

Piano/Pianozug/Practice/Celeste/Moderator/Mute/jeu celeste
Places strip of cloth or leather between hammer and string

Tapered strip of felt allowed diminuendi - 1800 Hawkins

Una corda/Verscheibung/Shift
Literally "one string"
Action shifted so hammers strike 1, 2 or 3 strings

Strip of leather moved against side of string while hammer moves to strike
only that string.
-imitative of harpsichord "buff" stop

Buff/jeu de luth
Strip of leather moved against one string of unison
-possibly used as tuning aid in treble
-imitative of harpsichord "buff" stop

Piece of wood lined with soft leather, hair of silk shag placed on string
close to bridge
-if leather lined:   Lautenzug   Lute stop
-if shag lined:      Harfenzug   Harp stop

Bone or ivory tipped leather tabs moved in between hammers and strings to
produce a tinkling sound
-"Rinky-Tink" attachment is modern equivalent.

"Nag's Head" - lifted entire lid with stick 
"Venetian" - shutters opened progressively  

A second set of hammers or a bar which touched strings at midpoint to
produce "echo" effect - Petzold Paris) 1829

Harmonic Swell  
Piano had a double bridge system which had a separate set of dampers
between them which could be raised o allow sympathetic vibration of strings
between the bridges. - Patent Collard 1821

Dolce Compana  
Weights applied pressure to soundboard at eight places, pitch was thus
lowered and rapid pedaling could produce a sort of tremolo. Patent 1849,
James A. Grey
Mfg. by Boardman & Grey (Albany, NY) - Picture p. 247 Gill

Two or three strips of thin brass made to strike bass strings.

Roll of parchment or stiff paper placed against strings of bottom octaves.

Octave couplers  
Generally only added the octave above. - one early eighteenth century
French piano could add the octave above in the treble and the octave below
in the bass.

Selective damper pedal
-hold only the dampers of keys depressed when pedal is pressed.

Soft/Half-blow/Hammer move/Pedale d'expression
Moves hammers closer to the strings to reduce the force of the blow.

Piano scandé  
Like above, but could move one octave at a time, several or together.

Played small drum inside of case, or struck soundboard with padded hammer.
-Some had a set of tuned drums which could be played from the keys.

Played set of bells inside of case.

Janissary/Turkish music
Combination stop played bells, drum and cymbal simultaneously.

Loesser describes a pyramid piano which had figures on either side holding
bells and cymbals. This pedal combined the janissary stop with movement or
the figures.
-Hirt identifies maker as Johann Kaspar Schlimbach of Königshofen (Wurzburg)
Any stop operated by knee.

Shifted action up or down as much as minor third.
-Érard (Paris) and Wooley (Nottingham) moved strings and frame.
-Edward Ryley moved keys.
-Æolian moved action.

Conrad Hoffsommer - Luther College, Decorah, IA

My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely.

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