Tilting on the lyre

Mon, 31 May 1999 11:47:11 EDT

Mr. Coleman:

I originally posted info on the Piano Horse.  I use the device in my shop.  
Mr. Crail (Info on previous post to you) has produced a video showing the 
Horse and how it is used.  The device sets on the front edge of the piano 
bed, roughly below the kepslip.
The device is tall enough so that the pedal lyre is prevented from touching 
the floor.
After the piano is picked up, and the device placed under the front of the 
keybed, the bass leg is taked off, and the piano is then rocked down, using 
the Horse, to a horizontal position.  The geometry of the Horse is such that 
the rocking down is quite simple.  The Horse is in no way attached to the 
piano.  The Horse is kept in position by the left thigh and left hand by the 
primary person doing the tilting.  It is simpler to do than to explain.  

For a much more thorough explaination, and an accompanying video showing the 
Horse is use, contact Mr. Crail at the address given in the previous post.

Dennis Hershman
Hershman Piano Service

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