longitudinal mode vibrations

Sun, 30 May 1999 18:42:58 EDT

In a message dated 5/30/1999 6:20:33 PM, Richard wrote:

<<"Anyone else have any ideas?">>

 Well now that you ask :-)
  Music wire, as in piano wire, does not just vibrate in the latitudinal mode 
but also vibrates in the latitudinal mode and this without regard as to how 
the vibration is started...............if this is true then how could one 
tell what latitudinal motion was caused by a twist(s) in the wire?
  It seems to me that I read a study from MIT on the WEB concerning the 
rotational distortion of transverse patterns relating music wire, as being 
present in all vibration of that wire, whether plucked, struck, or excited 
  No I wasn't hunting for it and don't know if I could find it again but if I 
am not mistaken there was a article in the Journal some time back reflecting 
the same thoughts.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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