Key pins and key bushings

Stan Kroeker
Thu, 27 May 1999 11:58:38 -0500 (CDT)

>In simpler words: You can turn key pins with no ill effect if done so
>thoughtfully and carefully.
>                Newton

Yes, I agree Newton.  Occasionally we rebush keys for which the pins
measure 0.144.  Our cauls are sized for 0.146 pins and tend to leave the
other with slightly more play than we prefer.  In this case, I have no
concerns with turning the front pins slightly.

It is less acceptable (though certainly not damaging in any way) to turn
the pins in order to take up side play resulting from worn bushings.  The
'nested' bushing cloth will contact a greater area of the pin resulting in
greater friction.  Also the bushing may be worn through to the glue layer
which obviously increases the friction as well.


Stan Kroeker
Registered Piano Technician

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