longitudinal mode vibrations

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Sun, 23 May 1999 14:00:54 -0500 (CDT)

>As a PS, if anyone is interested, I believe I still have the formula for 
>predicting the frequency of a longitudinal wave.  It's a nice formula, but 
>frankly, I think a formula to predict the AMPLITUDE of the wave is of more 
>Ain't information wunnerfull?!
>Brian De Tar, RPT
>Portland, OR

Hi Brian,
It was my understanding that it is the relationships of the frequency of the
longitudinal mode partials to the transverse partials that was the problem,
rather than the amplitude, which is why it's pitch sensitive. But then
again, I don't know much about the longitudinal beasties... hence this post.
In any case, yes! This anyone is certainly interested. Plain strings,
wrapped strings, predicting interference with transverse partials, and/or
ANY other pertinent formulae and informational wunnerfulls you might have
lying about. I'll happily take all the information I can get. Operators are
standing by.


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