Message Index?

Wed, 19 May 1999 10:47:23 EDT

In a message dated 5/18/1999 10:57:06 PM, Jack wrote:

<<Yes! I'd love to set up a separate file for Pianotech (and other groups for 
that matter!) but I can't seem to find anything on my screen that corresponds 
with Rob's directions. Is this because I have a Macintosh?>>

 No it is because you have AOL. As MacIntosh is the choice of all true 
believers it could not possibly be the problem!  :-)
 In AOL....go to your PFC and open the icon for "offline news groups", create 
a new folder for pianotech (or any other list), and follow directions from 
there.......this 'should' accomplish what you have in mind.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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