Another thought about Steinway, and specific measurements ingeneral

Antares antares@EURONET.NL
Tue, 18 May 1999 22:44:53 +0200

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Yes yes yes.. But my dear freind Antares. We are not talking about a new or
almost new high quality piano, we are not talking about factory regulating,
or regulating just prior to delivery to the customer, nor are we talking
about regulating a piano that the regulator knows from experience fits
specs. We are talking about a 35 year old Steinway L with god know what wear
and tear and tinkering have gone on since it was last touched. If you set a
Yamaha hammer to string distance to the specs you site above knowing that
there is at least 3 mm of felt missing due to wear and reshapeing, well you
are going to have one heck of an aftertouch sensation unless you compensate
somewhere. And if you compensate ... well hey.. there goes that spec out the

At the design and assembly stage, great... spec your heart out. But a few
years down the line be ready to start flying by the seat of your pants. Or
have the luxery of working on instruments that are in great shape to begin
with. And even then.. pray you dont run into that kind of customer that just
doesnt like the feel of the factory settings. 

We's-a not-a living in-a to-a dimensionale world-a. 

Richard Brekne 
Sydneskleiven 1 
5010 Bergen, Norway 

OK, then how about that Heineken Richard? it may help...


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