Sat III help?

Avery Todd atodd@UH.EDU
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 11:34:49 -0600


   What number are you? I'm #94 and still waiting for mine (for almost a
year!). Just curious.


>    Well, my new toy arrived, and I want to play with it, but I am missing
>    I don't know how to store a historical temperament page.  The instructions
>direct me to get to a page "1-7t" and a page "8-14t".   I cannot find those
>pages at all!  I do find 1t, 2t, 3t, etc. all the way to 14t by pressing the
>shift and temperament buttons,  but my directions that came with the machine
>don't seem to jibe with what happens,  and I see no way to store the
>corrections for various temperaments.
>    Anybody know where I got lost here?
>Ed Foote

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