In a message dated 2/27/99 12:28:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << The pianos get moved over thresholds all the time, so the wheels are just about shot. While I was there fixing the wheels on one, they moved another piano, and then asked if I could work on it, because two of that pianos wheels fell off. That's called good timing. Again thanks, this list is amazing. KJ >> Ken: Have you suggested-nay URGED- these people to obtain piano dollies to prevent this happening again? I have had two occasions where pianos fell-being pushed by students each time- and injured one student and one teacher. The teacher had her ankle broken and to this day limps because of it. Had she sued the school, she would have probably obtained a goodly sum for her permanent injury. Piano trucks-dollies- whatever you call them, are much cheaper! Bob Bergantino,RPT
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