Karen, I'm still interested in how you did this tuning. I am assuming by your first post and your answer here that you did a ONE pass tuning. If you did not do TWO tunings then that is why it went flat. I use the pitch raise feature during a pitch raise (if it needs it), then I go through and do a fine tuning. If you went along and followed the pitch raise procedure, when you are done with your first pass you are done with the pitch raise, that's all. Now you are ready for the second tuning. The pitch raise function does NOT pitch raise and fine tune at the same time. It merely calculates the proper amount of OVERPULL. My apologies if you did do two passes and you know all of this already. Glenn. -----Original Message----- From: Kgj38@AOL.COM <Kgj38@AOL.COM> To: pianotech@ptg.org <pianotech@ptg.org> Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 4:38 PM Subject: Re: When is it enough? >Glenn, >It wasn't all that flat and I used my pitch raise feature on the accutuner. >Karen >In a message dated 2/26/99 5:23:41 PM Central Standard Time, >rockymtn@sprynet.com writes: > ><< Karen, You didn't say how flat it was BEFORE you started or I would bet you > a tuning fee that it had nothing to do with the cold client and it was just > the absence of a pitch raise. How flat was it when you started? Over 8 to > 10 cents? > > Glenn. > >>
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