Hi Newton & List, Well Newton, you won. Mission accomplished. Boy, you must be fast. But I guess that's better than halfast like me. :-) It took me about 1 hr. & 45 min. or so. Including coming back down to the shop to re repin the flange onto the wood block after doing it backwards the first time. :-( It would have taken me longer than that except for a new tool from Pianotek, which I bought at the Texas State Convention. I can't find it in my catalog, so it must be fairly new. It's from Renner, I think. Anyway, it fits over the screw in the damper block and by rotating a little, it will slip into the screw slot. I don't see why it wouldn't even work for a blind technician. I think it took about 5 min. to go all the way through loosening screws. I love it! If you do ANY damper work at all, especially grands, buy it!! I don't remember the cost, but it wasn't bad. And it'll pay for itself in one job in time and aggravation saved trying to get a small screwdriver into the screw slot. The problem with the tray "was" that the pinning had been loose in the birds-eye, allowing the pin to work out and letting the tray flop around. Almost two hours of work because SOMEONE in the factory didn't pin two flanges correctly. Of all places to screw that up. :-) I didn't have to remove the stop rail. Once the four screws into the back rail, the connector to the sostenuto that comes up through the keybed and the rod itself were removed, the whole assembly came right out. A wonderful way to end a week. :-) Thanks for everyone's suggestions. Avery >> Yes, Newton, >> >> I know. I know. But I didn't want to do it that way. >> I guess I'm going to have to now, since the guru has spoken. :-) >> >> Avery >> >> >Avery, you should be able to remove the dampers, damper stop rail, >> >tray, repair the tray and reinstall all including timing the dampers >> >in about 60 minutes. >> > >> >Once the tray is back in place shim the pedal so the dampers would be >> >resting on the lift rail. Drop the dampers into place and snug in the >> >screws. Check alignmnet of the dampes to the strings and then tighten >> >the screws. Adjust the fine timing timing withe the lift screw >> >capstans. >> > >> >This is a real no brainer. Just do it. >> > >> > Newton >Yeah, well, Ralph also spoke as well. I have tried his way but >sometimes the struggle to save a few minutes ends up taking longer, >hurts you back, increases your blood pressure, local air turns blue, >and ultimately ends up being more of an aggravation than doing it the >easy way.
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