Hi, One of the interesting tidbits about this instrument is that players used to become insane. Turns out there was lead in the glass and they got lead poisoning--needless to say the instrument fell out of use. At 10:52 AM 2/26/99 -0500, you wrote: >Hi, > > There was an article and picture in a Smithsonian issue, around the >middle of 1998 but I have been unable to find it on the Smithsonian web >pages. The following web page has links to Armonica articles, pictures, >music downloads and a current manufacturer. > >http://www.glassarmonica.com/sites.htm > >Mike McCoy >So Central Pa Chapter 170 >Middletown, Pa >Mailto:mjmc@ibm.net > > Regards, Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T. Tuner for the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts drose@dlcwest.com http://www.dlcwest.com/~drose/ 3004 Grant Rd. REGINA, SK S4S 5G7 306-352-3620 or 1-888-29t-uner
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