Hi, David. Although the discussion is a couple of days old I'll put my 2 cents in as well. I agree with all who suggested to go the route of replacing shanks, flanges & hammers as the best & most efficient way to achieve uniformity in performance. However, there is another way of bolstering knuckles - which proved to be durable in my experience. This one is from the late great Dennis Nicholson, RPT. He would get some Bamboo shoots (approx. the radius of an average knuckle), and would slice them horisontally, so that the profile of each cut would look like a tiny pita bread cut in half...Get the picture. They would come out approx. 3"-4" long. He then would insert a cut strip into the space between the leather & the felt, run it through to the other side of the knuckle & nip it at the edge. The advantage of the Bamboo over the yarn is that the former is a solid substance, and incidently, it never slides out. Dan Amihud RPT
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