Jerry Hunt wrote: (snip) (for those of us who tune using primarily thirds) having > set your A3-A4 octave, once you set the contiguous thirds F3-A3, A3-C#4, F4-A4 > such that there is a 4:5 ratio of beat rates from one interval to the next, > regardless of the actual beat rates of each octave (which will, of course vary > from one piano to the next, albeit very small differences), you have compensated > for the inharmonicity of that piano. You suggest setting the contiguous thirds. I assume C#4-F4, rather than F4-A4, is the third one that will determine the 4/5 ratio. Some things to consider: It is possible to set three contiguous thirds with a good octave and a uniform rate of increase and still have your Fs wrong if your 4/5 ratio is off. Do we set the A3-A4 octave permanently to transfer pitch to a workable temperament octave or can we use contiguous thirds to help determine the stretch? Lurkers - feel free to jump in. Carl Root, RPT Rockville, MD
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