My point being focused on questions in the original post about whether we are elitists or inclusive. Who does the Guild want in the group. It's my contention that the preponderance of opinion on the list is for an exclusive group, encouraging only those who've risen to high levels. That intimidates those on the "outside". I vote for inclusion. Those with tens-of-thousands of tunings under their belts easily forget what it was like when the pressure was on, and the technique was not up to that kind of pressure. I noticed this at the TSA convention when an unnamed fine technician was asked to tune some unisons as Jim Coleman was lecturing. When I asked the tech, later, why he was so slow with them, knowing his capabilities, he admitted that "pressure" was certainly a factor. "Pressure" was a major factor in the tuning test for me, and I do not think that kind of pressure contributes positively to presenting one's best work. JMO les bartlett houstonsp Don't come down on Ruth Ann for that. She was representing the ETS >Committee, >and this is they came up with, which the Board and Council agreed >with. > >Wim > ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
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