dear list, we have a nice new S&S D here at the university that has a small problem that i am not sure how to address. at the point in the treble where the capo begins i am getting a lot of noise from the non-speking length between the capo and the v-bar. it's not "a lot" of noise but more than i like. i have checked all the usual suspects; string level, hammer fit, bridge pins, strings seated, etc. what i notice is that there is a ton of energy comming over the capo and into this length. if i put my finger on that non-speaking length and play the note, the tone is dead. i tried this on other pianos and i don't notice the same effect. on a hard blow i am getting a sizzle from this section as if the string level was bad. what's the deal? should the non-speaking length be getting this much vibration through the capo? why does muting that length deaden the tone so much more than other, similar pianos? am i missing the obvious? thanks for your help, chris -Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T. School of Music Ohio University Athens OH (614) 593-1656 fax# (614) 593-1429
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