CHeck to see that the dowel is not warped and binding. If it is just replace the dowl with a new straighter one. It could also be binding because the damper lever, the hole and the damper lift rod hole are not in alighnment. In this case try a 1/2" dowel or remove and replace the ole lining with a thinner cloth. If there is no damper lift rod hole then a or narrower cloth will help. Sand the dowel where it goes trough the hole with 220 then 440 grit sandpaper. Then spray it with teflon dry lubricant or with Prolube. Newton Wimblees@AOL.COM wrote: > > On a 2 year old Steinway upright, model K, the 5/8" in diameter wood sustain > rod passes through a felt bushed hole. The rubbing of the dowel on the felt > makes a lot of noise. Any suggesting on how to elimimate the rubbing sound, or > how to remove the some of the felt in the hole? > > Wim
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