Lists! Set your phaser philters for maximum strength. You are hereby warned that I will be sending propaganda to the Lists under the subject heading above. The Institute Committee has had a request to trade out child care duties in KC. Please respond via the message board at the Convention Website: Webmaster Dean Reyburn has established a message board for those who wish to share rooms, child care duties, etc. Update as of today, at half past six in London, Convention planning as achieved warp speed. Institute Director John Ragusa and his able undertrolls are slaving away in the Dickensian darkness preparing goodies to lure you to KC. As they say in Oklahoma, ya'll ain't seen nothing yet. More later, I'll be taking my medication now. Live long and perspire, Dale Dale Probst Assistant Institute Director Kansas City--July 21-25,1999 (940)691-3682 voice (940) 691-6843 fax
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