Bob, We are both on the same wave length, on this one. Wurlitzer's of this vintage all had a seperate key retaining rail, ( as far as I know ). I have used the same technique to straighten badly warped key frames. IT save a lot of arduous sanding, and ensures that you don't sand through the lip of the rail in the centre of the frame there by increasing 'drag' when the una corda is used. For key frames I cut my own V shaped maple shims. Roger > >Roger, > >After reading a few more posts on this topic, I get the feeling >that some may think the problem is the key stop rail. If I read >the original post correctly, it was the fall board / name board >strip / key cover / what ever! >In any case, filing down the sharps to eliminate the problem >of sharps hitting a warped fall board, is in league with, shimming >a warped key frame with business apposed to sanding Roger Jolly Baldwin Yamaha Piano Centre Saskatoon and Regina Saskatchewan, Canada. 306-665-0213 Fax 652-0505
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