It is very likely that the tension is too high. If this is the case the splice would not hold either. If this is not the case a little lubricant, even a tiny bit of oil, at the agraffe pin will help the string slid without binding. If you cannot see a burr then there is not one. Check that the pin is not bent over too far to create and pinch effect. Follow the example of the other pins. In the case of not having enough core to splice you can peel back 1/3 the length of the swage (flattening of the string) to provide enough to splice. You need less than a half inch to do a splice if you make loops just large enough for the core wire to move through. If you bend the loop so it is perpendicular to the core it will slide together easily. When installing a 'universal' string you must match the core wire first then the wrap diameter. The core wire controls the inharmonicity and the wrap controls the tension. They are somewhat linked together but not as much as some may think. If you send me the speaking length and the core and wrap diameters of the old string I will tell you if the tension is too high. Newton
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