In a message dated 2/12/99 3:17:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, sanorth@AOL.COM writes: << To Wally and all others who have dealt with divorce in the piano tech business. I am a single female studying piano technology and about to begin a business or work in another shop. I thought it would be great to marry into this as well. Would that be a good idea or not? It seems to me the balance of abilities and understanding the pressures would be a good match. Maybe it would be too much of a good thing. >> Too much of being in common can be damaging. Musicians for example have a high divorce rate because of the criticism of each other. A balance would be much better. What you are not good at, your spouse may be. What your spouse lacks, you may be able to help. My wife helps me, schedules many of my appointments, and helps me in the shop. She is not industrious, and will never be good a piano technology. But by helping in the shop, key bushings, tear down, etc, she appreciates what I go though in being a piano technician. This is not always the case but more common than not. Dave Peake, RPT Oregon City, OR Portland Chapter
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