In a message dated 2/12/99 11:17:50 PM !!!First Boot!!!, sanorth@AOL.COM writes: << To Wally and all others who have dealt with divorce in the piano tech business. I am a single female studying piano technology and about to begin a business or work in another shop. I thought it would be great to marry into this as well. Would that be a good idea or not? It seems to me the balance of abilities and understanding the pressures would be a good match. Maybe it would be too much of a good thing. >> There are several piano tuning couples in the Guild. My wife tunes pianos, and we enjoy conversations about the piano etc. We are also both very musical, and enjoy playing handbells and singing together. I have found that the those who stay married also have at least one thing in common with each other. And conversely, when I have talked with those who have gotten divorced, that is one thing that is missing. They might have had something in common when they got married, but one or the other got away from that. There is more to being married, though, than having something in common. Respect for each, trust, understanding, compassion, etc., all play a very important role in assuring a successful marriage. And as with any other "occupation," you have to constantly work and "study" to make sure the relationship stays fresh. Willem Blees
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